2016 m. balandžio 3 d., sekmadienis

Been a while.

And there we are, just... eating some apples...

And there I sit surrounded by Light (Yagami obv) planning. Planning that better tomorrow. How things have changed? I don't have to plan tomorrow to be good. It is going to be good.It's just that I can still make it better.


And finally I'm out of here, getting rid of ligaments and bandages in quiet. Not loud like love. Not like that,
I'm just two years old.

Glad to have an addiction solved, no more job and office.
Been a while.

Oh I see tomorrow there's Placebo playin downstairs.

Adidas, stinkies, screaming twats, drilling, no-manners, alcoholics, bums, sadness, pain, poorness, bmws, you can hear it there you go, pick a work yourself traitor, the one that rhymes with alligator.
Outta here and n0 ragr3t.

I have it all, but then there's more. You sure can reach it but then the hand becomes so long.

And they are here. Will be laughing at you together with me. No, they can't laugh. They would if the could. They think of you, sometimes they beep. But that's all for you, all for good. It's what makes my heart repeat the bum.

The story is going to end, seems like you don't like it. Why don't you? - you still have time to make a change to it. It's gonna end for all of us but the very last second our eyes are going to say a different thing. A different story. You sure can realize that yours is just in pencil, mine's ink. I'm up there, don't see? Kneel. Kneel and don't talk to me. You don't deserve to see me, you don't deserve to smell me.
And then I walk through all of them. No contact, not touching. Nobody sees, but I'm there. I was there.

This world... is rotten..

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