2015 m. gegužės 21 d., ketvirtadienis

Soulmates will never die. Always remember not to have a person with you just because. It could be and probably will be a darn mistake, just don't waste your time. Find an equal one, at least in the matter of IQ.
The best atm is not to remember or have anything from the very past. I've build my today, I have a new past and I'm proud. Probably I'm not as proud as everyone else is about their stuff, because I'm not pasting it through places or screaming out loud. I just don't need it. It's for me, for us, not for them. I'm having my everyday things, kisses, games, talks, sex, future. Probably the funniest thing is that, still, there are (sure thing - always will be) discgraceful ones, cheap people who will try to drag me down into their dirt from what I'm having, too bad - that ain't gonna happen because of me being allergic to bullshit.

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