2014 m. lapkričio 15 d., šeštadienis

Ech. If you know you want something, you will do it. In most cases - right fucking now. I hate them. I hate it. I hate it when they say oh I wanna eat. Maybe you want an apple ? - No. THEN IF YOU DON'T WANT AN APPLE YOU DON'T WANT TO EAT. And there is a huge difference between people who keep on talking how needy they are and how much of shit they need and the people who can truly stand the fuck up and actually do shit. Whatever. 에ㅐㅏㄹㅇㄶ엔해 ㅂㄱㅈ0 ㅐ-0말ㄴ ㄻㄴㅇㄹ[ㅁ니

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