2012 m. spalio 26 d., penktadienis

Brace yourself, the posts "it's fucking snowing" are coming.
And I guess I deserve to punch myself in the face with a chair or two, I shouldn't be here at this time. Somewhere, outta here. But I just have not enough of everything and a lot of shitty stuff to do.
All in fucking all I guess I may start saying that it's preeeeettttyy much okay over here. Just... A lil bit more stuff to be done. Lee, you're ugly, but you can make it, for sure.
Btw, I'm feelling suuuupah good today, surprisingly. Gonna work for long long hours today. And my health is okay, it's even weird to talk like this "I'm all okay" , huh. And it's Friday, so gonna have a good time at the end of the day too.

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