2012 m. rugsėjo 24 d., pirmadienis

One of the worst days like ever. But I know I can make it the best day ever, that's who the fuck I am. I guess this week is gonna change my whole life. Okay, I mean I'm going to change it. Everyone has it's own time of changes when you know you must fucking change/do something right now. It's my time right now, I know. Hard desitions are about to be made. Too bad I still don't know pretty much anything about anything. Yeah, cool story, noob.

2012 m. rugsėjo 21 d., penktadienis

Ok, this week is gonna be over/done in a couple of hours. Having some tea @Chilli. Omggggg and they're playing Big City Life.mp3, wohooo, what a good mood here today !
And I can't take those girls smiling at me pretty much everywhere, it's really pissing me off now.
We're gonna have some friends tonight and it's time for vodka I guess. Muahah. And tomorrow i'll be leaving in early morning, yaya, businessman, kurwa.
And finally my health is almost okay, I feel so much better today. Maybe because it's friday ? Nah.
Well, I think I deserve some rest, I had a long and fucked up week, everyday was hard and exhausting, so here I'm now, waiting to have my price.
And now they're playing Paul Kalkbrenner - Sky and Sand. Whatt ????? I've never heard the sound of this song anywhere but my own pc, the fuck ?? Good enough !!!!! Mood - 200 prc. okay now
And I'm waiting for Christmas. Funny, but it's true. I really dunno anything about what will happen at the Christmas time, but it's still the hope thingy doing a good job over there. And my imagination as well.
I'm too busy these days. Gotta calm down and try to make a routine ar somethning. Just for everything to be easier.

2012 m. rugsėjo 17 d., pirmadienis

Damn, this week is gonna be hard. Even if it shouldn't be, because I alrdy did a lot of shitty stuff. Right now having some coffe @Chilli, waiting for my new phone to deliver and I'll go get some photos of me. God bless me. And bring me Caroline, please.

2012 m. rugsėjo 13 d., ketvirtadienis

Like.. the weird part of my life is going on. I haaateee it. Too much shit to do, and too much hope for stuff will never happen. Probably.

2012 m. rugsėjo 11 d., antradienis

Lunch time @Cili Kinija, was a hard day, but I already have a lot of planned shit to do today. And faster with my sushi, dammit. Oh, ok , got it.Well, wish me luck for today and fuck you.

2012 m. rugsėjo 10 d., pirmadienis


I love my life and I mean It !!! Some one call the ambulance, someone is having a good time over here!
You, adorable little angel thingy ! Love you !

2012 m. rugsėjo 7 d., penktadienis

Lunch brake at the sushi place, good coffee here, niggaz. I did a wonderful job today, so proud.

2012 m. rugsėjo 6 d., ketvirtadienis

Lunch, coffee, cig, Forex brake for 30 more min. Time goes byy way too fast, where the hell was my morning ? Where was the whole week ? I should order some sushi and turn on The Killers/Kings Of Leon.

Ok, this one is good enough.

2012 m. rugsėjo 5 d., trečiadienis

Lunch time again. It was so fucking hard so far, about 5 more hours left. Well, I think I can take it, I must. "Smile like you mean it" outside the restaurant, cig, coffee, my smiley face and good people all around me. A little bit tired, but gotta keep it cool, gotta look good and be awesome instead of tired. And I can't describe that feeling... When you know or at least you think you know that She's gonna be here someday... It makes my belly button feel weird.

2012 m. rugsėjo 4 d., antradienis

Morning. I look handsome today, good. Coffee, cig, food, suit on and let's go.
Nununu, I was about to get fucked, but It went out pretty well. Serious business call in : 1,5 hours. Not even nervous.

Once again, everything is fiiine.
We have a bathhouse and Jacuzzi inside our office. PROBLEM?
Champagne after work with my colleagues, good, in a weird way.

You cry, I cry,
You laugh, I laugh,
You smile, I smile,
You jump off the bridge, I get a boat and save your stupid ass.

2012 m. rugsėjo 3 d., pirmadienis

THIS SONG IS LIKE.... THE BEST SONG  EVER. It has got a lot of mmries alrdy, wuuut ? ?

What If I love you, huh ? Smile like you mean it. Wut if I hate you ?  Smile like you mean it. Wut if you're C ?  Smile like you mean it./
Gotta go to work in 4 hours. Pft. Not a big deal. 1/2 more hours left.
I'll fuck em' all once again. Let's go.
Fuck, I think I'm about to get bout 4/5hours of sleep, but it's worth the time.
7h, work is done. GO GO GO.
Okay, lunch brake, I mean coffee brake with a few cigs. Have about 35min. Where's my fucking coffee, ya waiter ? Gotta stay cool, calm and still rdy for something weird to happen. This shit makes me feel a little bit awkward, but all in all I rocked already. I made my point talking in public, they all were fucking amazed, who's your daddddddyyy??

2012 m. rugsėjo 2 d., sekmadienis

Just went outside to the restaurant, gotta chill for a second. I hope everything is gonna be fine today. It should be, I'll try to do my best. My job job is here in 15 min, looks pretty well, but stay tuned.
I'm the fucking best, I know. That's why i'm here. 
I have an ability to make things go well, so I should keep it going and try to be even better. 8 min left. Nervous. But with a cutie smile on my face, suuuure. 
The man's gonna do what the man's gonna do. 
Brace yourselves, Lee is here.
One of the best evenings ever. Yeeeeeee. Gotta go to work in 5 hours, shit, gotta get some rest.
Today is jusssst awesome, God damn ittttt. Had a lot of stuff to do, but all in all it's not just okay, it's just perfect. Have never felt this way, but this is just the very begining I guess, I hope. And from now on I love the "Hope" word.

God bless you, everyone. I love you no matter who the hell you are, I do. Things done changed. But we have a lot of other dreams to come true, so can't just stop in the middle of the road to happiness. Keep it real, alrighty ?